Dear Sis,
Thanks for giving me the once in a lifetime chance to be a big sister. It’s a job I don’t take lightly. Over the years, I’ve learned a thing or two, things I’d like you to know:
1. No matter what, I am always in your corner.
I am on your side and I’m your biggest fan. It doesn’t matter if we’re fighting or I don’t agree with the decision you made, I will always be there to catch you.
2. Don’t let yourself be defined by anything other than your relationship with God.
The most important thing in life is your relationship with God. Don’t find yourself in a place where that takes a backseat to yourself or your other relationships.
3. Fight like crazy for the things you believe in.
There is a reason you believe in it so make sure you defend it.
4. But compromise where you can.
Life is about respect. Sometimes, if you want to gain something, you also have to give something up.
5. You are not alone. Someone else somewhere has experienced the same thing.
If it is on the internet, that means someone else is feeling or doing the same exact thing. So stop thinking that you’re the only person in the world with this great big problem cause the odds are, you aren’t.

6. You might be bigger than me, but I can still take you.
Never doubt my scrappy ability. If you need it, I can still kick your butt
7. Call me.
Day or night. 3 in the afternoon or 4 in the morning. Just to chat or to get out of a sticky situation. I will always answer (and if not, I’ll always call you back).
8. Ice cream fixes a multitude of problems.
Broken hearts won’t last forever and they hurt a whole lot less with ice cream. Bonus points if you also make brownies
9. Go ahead and splurge on Starbucks, Chick-fil-a, or Sweet Frog.
Money is just money. Be responsible with it but don’t be afraid to use it either
10. Just talk to him.
I promise you, he isn’t an alien and he definitely won’t analyze the conversation as much as you will. So talk to him like you’d talk to anyone else
11. Remember your parents are also growing old while you are growing up.
Yes, you only have one chance to be a teenager and yes, I know you are growing and testing your wings but just remember, they won’t be around forever.
12. Girls nights are the absolute best thing ever.
Never pass up an opportunity for a girls’ night. Don’t ditch your girls for some guy. Go shopping, go hiking together or even stay in your PJs together and binge watch a show on Netflix
13. Life takes time.
So sit back and enjoy the scenery. In time, you will graduate, you’ll break a heart or two, you’ll figure out what you want to major in, you’ll find a job and the man of your dreams. But you only get to live today once so don’t waste it
14. Lastly, you’re my best friend.
We’ve been through a lot together, you and I. But I wouldn’t want to do life with anyone else.
So go- take risks and make your mistakes and always remember, I got your back!
I love you, bud.
Your big sis
P.S. The second I met you, I didn’t really want that puppy so badly anymore ;)