When I say "sisterhood" you may think of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants or about that time when you borrowed your older sister's clothes without asking her.
Yet, when I say sisterhood, I do not just mean the bond between close friends or the even
closer bond between sisters. The sisterhood that I am talking about the sisterhood that occurs between sisters in Christ.

My friends are incredible. We have thousands of inside jokes. I would list some of them for your enjoyment, but none of you would understand. On top of our inside jokes and constant laughter, we know each other inside and out, and will be there for the other WHENEVER.

Sophomore has been a crazy one. There have been ups and downs but God was there for me every step of the way. When I needed someone to talk to, God revealed himself through various ways. One of the ways He revealed Himself was through my building staff and my friends. While they came to me to care for me as friends, the basis of their actions was in Christ. They prayed over me and pointed me to the Bible. They were taking care of me as a sister in Christ.
At the end of our Residence Life Banquet, one of my friends, and staff members, read us a speech about how each of us had impacted her over the year. Now, I do not cry, but I did after hearing her kind words. While I knew how each one of them had impacted my life, I never knew how I had impacted theirs.
I did not write this post to brag about how amazing my friends are. Well, maybe I did just a little. But I wrote this post to ensure that all of you find friends and sisters in Christ that will always be there for you, but more importantly, will also point you in the direction of Christ in every circumstance. And, in return, seek to push your friends to be the best them that they can be, as daughters of Christ.