What defines us? The only way I can understand myself is by what God is and by what God does. What does that mean for me?
We all wonder what to say about ourselves when we are asked to make a bio for our twitter account, describe ourselves for the job application, or just simply introduce ourselves. I have so often found myself wondering who I am. Who and what determines who I am? The world usually defines us through never-ending standards plastered over the news, social media, or television.
Often when I look in the mirror while getting ready in the morning, I look at myself with earthly eyes. I have pimples (thanks to puberty and sugar). I have stretch marks on my legs and jiggly fat on my arms. I have straight hair and boring brown eyes. You should be thin, says the world. You should have curly hair, says the world. You should look and think like this, says the world. You should fit in, says the world. I have some days where I feel beautiful, and those are usually the days when I stop trying to look like I am “supposed to” and just look like the person that God has created me to be.
Imagine how much less insecurities, depression, outcasts, suicides, and peer pressure there would be just by looking at ourselves through God eyes. We are not defined by our appearance, actions, or thoughts. We are defined by who God is.
God is our father. A father who created us; a father who disciplines us and wants what is best for us. If God is our father, we can see ourselves as children of the living God. Which is a better description? I am [insert name] who [insert description of body and personality here]? Or, I am a child of the God and my Father loves me? I like the latter a million times better.
God is our creator. God created humans on the sixth day, and on this same day, He created the blueprint of your being and your life. He had in His mind from that day what you would look like, sound like, and think like. He knew what your purpose would be and He knew that He wanted you. He had drawn you in perfection, as God never makes mistakes. There could never be a more beautiful you. Despite what plastic surgery and fake IDs might hint, we cannot change our identity. Our creation was not in our control, but in God’s, and therefore it could never be better. God is the Supreme Being, Lord of Lords, King of Kings that did not need us, but wanted us. How can one feel insecure with that fact in mind? One of my favorite sayings is “You own the skies and still want my heart.” Doesn’t that just move your heart to places of joy it has never been before? God created light, yet made sure you shined as well. God created the stars and planets, yet never leaves your side. God is everywhere and anywhere, anytime and every time, and listens to all you have to say.

Now define yourself. Say, “I am a child of God. I am loved unconditionally and eternally. I am a part of a bigger plan that I can never fully understand. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am His, always.” Please do not ever forget that.