Hi Roomie,
Brace yourself. I know sappy isn’t really our style so I’m going to try to keep this funny and lighthearted but honestly, it will probably get a little sappy.
1) Thank you for believing the world is messy with me.
I’ve lost count of how many times we’ve had this conversation. You know, the one

where we remind each other that real life is ugly and sometimes you’re stuck in the middle of the mess.
2) Thank you for countless movie dates
....Where we end up by ourselves in some sketchy movie theater. I’ll never forget those last-minute decisions to put off our homework and go see a movie instead.
3) Thank you for taking turns buying the milk with me
Because late night cereal dates while watching Friends is a critical part of this roommate relationship.
4) Thank you for crying with me
Thanks for sitting through the tears with me and knowing that I need a hug even when I don’t know what I need.
5) Thank you for putting up with me on the bad days
The days where I snap at you or vent about everything. The days where I give you the silent treatment or when I am not around long enough to realize that something is wrong in your world.
6) Thank you for loving my family almost as much as I do
And thank you for including me in yours. Thank you for asking your mom to make cookies for me or to drive all the way to school because my family is too far away.
7) Our heart-to-hearts in the dark, late at night are some of my favorite conversations
I think these are the times when we solve all the world’s problems.

8) Thank you for continually making sure my vision is still just as bad as it was the last time you asked me to look at something across the room
“MacKenzie, check out this funny picture…oh wait, you don’t have your contacts in”
9) Thank you for promising me that I will have a roommate until I graduate
Because I am very attached to you and I don’t know that I could survive college without you.
10) But most importantly, thank you for being my friend.
So, here’s to hoping some things never change while others get better and better. Here’s to a thousand more morning sticky notes. Here’s to the hundreds of bags of M&Ms to be eaten in times of crisis. Here’s to Gerald (our food bin) and all he brings to our lives. Here’s to the memories we’ve made and the ones we’re going to make.
Here’s to (at least) the next two years of living together…
I love you!
Lots of Love,
Your Roommate